Give Online

Now you can give your offering online!

Calvary is registered for Interac e-Transfer, which is a simple and secure way to send and receive money online. It’s like writing a digital cheque. Nearly all financial institutions offer e-Transfer. Check here to see if your bank is registered. Unless your banking plan specifically charges a fee for e-Transfers, there’s no charge for either sending or receiving an e-Transfer.

Quick Information

Recipient name: Calvary Baptist Church
Calvary is registered for Autodeposit, so you usually won’t be asked to create a security question. (If you are prompted to create a security question, please email the answer to the address given above.)
Important: If your email address does not clearly contain your first and last name, please include it in the Message box so you can be properly receipted.

If you haven’t sent an e-Transfer before, instructions are provided below.

How to send an e-Transfer

To get started, all you need is:

  • An email address
  • A bank account at a participating institution
  • To be registered for online banking at your financial institution

To send your offering:

  1. Sign in to your banking website or app. Look in the menu for a link that says Interac e-Transfers, and click on it.
  2. Add Calvary Baptist Church as a new recipient with the email address
    1. Your bank may ask you to verify your identity because you’re adding a new recipient. If so, follow the steps on screen.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to send, and choose the account from which the money will be withdrawn. (Calvary is registered for Autodeposit, so you probably won’t be asked to set up a security question. If you are asked to make a security question, please be sure to send an email to the email address above with the answer.) Important: If your email address doesn’t clearly contain your first and last name, please include your first and last name in the “Message (Optional)” box. Without this information, we can’t properly receipt you.

For more help and information, visit the Interac website, and/or look for information about sending e-Transfers in the Help or FAQ section of your banking institution’s website or mobile app.

If you have questions or concerns about e-Transfers, send an email to and Patricia will assist you.